Marriott’s Gaylord Hotel Property donate Tricycles to Children’s National Health System in D.C.
STARS (associates) from Marriott International’s Gaylord Hotels property in Maryland recently held an employee Rally to encourage increasing their customer service and engagement. The resort’s leadership committee used the L.E.A.R.N. model as their guide…
L – listen
E – empathize
A – apologize
R – respond
N – notify
…and focused on the letter ‘R’ (responding with action). To drive home their message, they chose “Born to be Wild” as their theme and filmed a music video (posted below). The video focused on responding with action to solve for a real-life situation in their business. As props in the video, the “actors” (Gaylord Leaders) used tricycles, then turned around and donated those trikes to kids at Children’s National Medical Center…an even better way to highlight how to respond with action in their community.
Marriott’s Gaylord Hotel Property in Maryland donate tricycles to Children’s National Health System in D.C.